The University of Santo Tomas (UST) Research Center on Culture, Education, and Social Issues (RCCESI) announces its Call for Proposals for the RCCESI Research Grant Project (RRGP) covering Academic Year (AY) 2016-2017.

The RCCESI Research Grant Project (RRGP) is UST’s strategic initiative to encourage and support distinguished faculty members to conduct basic, applied, creative, or trailblazing academic/scientific research in the fields of culture, arts, humanities, social sciences, and education under the Office of the Vice Rector for Research and Innovation’s (OVRRI) Thomasian Research Excellence and Engagements (TREE) Program. As RCCESI transitions into two centers, tentatively called the Research Center on Culture, Arts, and the Humanities (RCCAH) and the Research Center on Social Sciences and Education (RCSSED), the RRGP envisions bringing together research expertise to produce disciplinal, interdisciplinary, or transdisciplinary outputs in line with UST’s thrust as a research university.

RRGP is open to all Thomasian faculty members who are:

1. Tenured or with probationary (tenure-track) appointment
2. With a Master’s degree

Grant privileges
The grant is a competitive RCCESI strategic project for Thomasian faculty members who are interested in starting or pursuing a research career. Applicants are encouraged to conduct research projects along disciplinal specializations aligned with their respective graduate degrees.

Successful applicants may avail of the following grant privileges:
For new researchers:
1. A maximum of 6 units teaching load equivalent to 12 research laboratory hours for 10 months (covering 1st and 2nd terms)

2. Research funds which amount depends on the nature of research

For continuing researchers:
1. A maximum of 18 units teaching load equivalent to 36 research laboratory hours for 10 months (covering 1st and 2nd terms). Determination of research load allocation will be based on the results of the Research Performance Review Project (RP2) (which includes both self-evaluated and center-based reviews).

2. Research funds which amount depends on the nature of research

Disciplinal Thrusts
For this round of RRGP, research proposals should fall under three major RCCESI disciplinal thrusts, namely, (a) culture, arts, and humanities; (b) social sciences; and (c) education.

Specific disciplinal fields of study of current RCCESI researchers include: Anthropology, Architecture, Commerce, Communication, Economics, Education, Environmental Science, History, Humanities, Languages, Literature, Philosophy, Psychology, Social Development, Social Sciences, and Sociology. This current list of disciplines is expected to grow under the RRGP.

Research Priorities
As RCCESI transitions into two centers, it will continue to manage projects in AY 2016-2017 through Research Interest Groups (RIGs). Here is the list of working and proposed RIGs.

Research Interest Groups (RIGs) Research Center on Culture, Arts, and the Humanities (RCCAH) Research Center on Social

Sciences and Education (RCSSED)

Current ·  Philosophy Studies
·  Architectural Studies
·  Communication
·  Research Literary                              and Cultural Studies
·  Contemporary Social Issues
·  Studies in Psychology
·  Historical Studies
·  Economics, Business, and                               Finance Studies
·  Language Studies
·  Education and Leadership Studies
Proposed ·  Musicology
·  Fine Arts
·  Community-Engaged Research
·  Institutional Research
·  Tourism Research
·  Law Research

This current list of RIGs is expected to grow with the influx of new and exciting research proposals under RRGP.

Requirements for Application
Applicants should prepare three requirements:

  1.  A letter of intent endorsed by the Dean and noted by the Department Chair/Disciplinal Coordinator. The letter should clearly stipulate disciplinal background, research interest, intended RIG to work under, and rationale on how RCCESI may assist the applicant in pursuing a research career in the university.
  2.  Curriculum vitae (following college/faculty of affiliation format/template)
  3.  A research proposal with the following parts:
  • Title of the study
  • Project description
  • Literature review
  • Research questions
  • Methodology
  • Theoretical/conceptual framework
  • Significance of the study
  • Time table
  • Line-item budget
  • References

For the initial submission of proposals, no template will be prescribed. Applicants are free to use the format/template utilized in their respective disciplines provided that the items above are included in the proposal.

RRGP Guidelines
1. Applicants are expected to prepare the three requirements and secure the necessary endorsement from the Dean with the knowledge of the Department Chair/Disciplinal Coordinator.

2. Application documents should be in two formats—print and electronic versions.
3. Applicants are encouraged to personally submit application documents to the RCCESI office on or before the submission date. Make sure to prepare a duplicate copy to serve as the applicant’s receiving copy for documentation purposes.
4. Submitted applications will first be assessed by the RCCESI director before submission to the RRGP Review Board for evaluation.
5.  Applicants will be notified of the decision of the RRGP Review Board as soon as evaluation is completed.

Review Process
1. The competitive review of eligible proposals will be undertaken by the RRGP Review Board comprising of designated disciplinal leads.

2. The review board will identify the best evaluator to assess the proposal, taking into consideration his/her disciplinal expertise and specialization. Should there be no UST-based expert on the field, assistance from an external reviewer will be sought.
3. Review criteria includes:
      a. Academic significance of the project contributes to the applicant’s disciplinal expertise as this has potential to advance his/her professional development specifically in the realm of research career, engagement, and excellence.
      b. Quality of the proposal reflects the applicant’s deep knowledge and disciplinal familiarity with the  proposed research focus, methods, theories, procedures, and implicat
      c. Intended outcomes of the proposal are clear, sufficient, and feasible.
      d. Budget allocation is appropriate to the proposed proj
4. If the need arises, applicants may be requested for interview by a member of the RRGP Review Board for clarification purposes.
5. Applicants will be notified of the decision of the RRGP Review Board as soon as evaluation of the research proposal is completed.

Submission Procedures
Proposals and requirements in two formats (print and electronic versions) are to be submitted to the RCCESI office addressed to:

Assoc. Prof. Clarence M. Batan, PhD
Research Center on Culture, Education and Social Issues (RCCESI) UNIVERSITY OF SANTO TOMAS (Manila, Philippines)

Address: Rm 211, Thomas Aquinas Research Complex (TARC) UNIVERSITY OF SANTO TOMAS
Sampaloc, Manila, 1015 PHILIPPINES
Office Telefax: (632) 731-3535 | 406-1611/786-1611 loc. 4040

Important Dates to Remember

Date Application Procedures

March 29, 2016

Call for research proposals

April 18, 2016

Deadline for submission of all application documents

March 30 – April 30, 2016

Review and selection of proposals & Grant notification

Due to the anticipated K to 12 transition, research load allocations should be determined at the earliest possible time. Applicants are encouraged to submit before the deadline as review and selection of proposals will proceed during the submission period.  Grant notification will be sent as soon as the review process is completed.